This website constitutes an advertisement for financial instruments in the sense of Art. 68 FinSA is only directed at professional or institutional clients according to art. 5 (3) et seq. FinSA. The sole purpose of this website is to provide information about financial instruments, and it is intended for personal use only. It does not constitute a recommendation, offer, or solicitation to buy, sell, or hold the financial products mentioned herein or to carry out any other legal act. Silent Escapes Ltd. may change it at any time without prior notification.
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Important Notice: This material is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to purchase or subscribe to any financial instrument, including the Credit Linked Note (CLN) associated with Silent Escapes Fiji.
The terms and conditions related to the CLN, including any conversion options, coupon rates, and other benefits, are subject to change. The issuer reserves the right to withdraw, modify, or terminate the CLN offering at any time without prior notice. Any pre-registration incentives, including promotional offers such as resort stays, are non-binding and subject to availability.
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